Red Letter Christians: Featured Website for Week of November 19, 2012

There are only 5 websites that I faithfully read every day, and Red Letter Christians is one of them, and the one I have been reading the second longest. I am a faithful reader of Red Letter Christians for a number of reasons. First, I identify with them. I consider myself an evangelical who cares about issues like poverty, the environment, and peacemaking. Second, I have like Tony Campolo ever since I first heard him speak almost thirty years ago. Tony is the lead person in Red Letter Christians. Third, they post a new article almost every day, so it gives me new material regularly without giving me too much material.
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Most of the authors are pastors or folks who have theological degrees, and who are involved in what they are writing about. While they are periodically more “out there” than I am, the only way to be challenged to think more clearly is to be stretched. If you consider yourself Biblically grounded and are one to be interested in similar issues to the ones I am, this might be a perfect website for you to check into regularly.

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