Reasons for Silence Do Not Include God Not Loving You Greatly — A Quote from John Eldredge in “Walking with God”

“Silence. I don’t hear anything… But I’m not going to let that be the verdict on my relationship with God today. This is really important, friends. We don’t know on any given day all that playing into why we can’t seem to hear from God. It could be that I’m still too distracted… It could be that the enemy is blocking me. It could be that God isn’t going to speak on this right now. It could be that he wants me to discover something else… I do know this: it can’t be the verdict on how I’m doing with God or how he feels about me in this moment… Whatever we might be feeling, we do have relationship with God now, because we belong to him, and our relationship is secure… I am God’s. He is mine… My ability to hear God’s voice on any given day does not change my position in Christ one bit. I share this because the last thing I want to introduce into your faith is shame or doubt or some other attack because you’re not hearing God clearly right now.”

— John Eldredge, “Walking with God”, pp 48-49
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