Postmoderns Very Open to Jesus, but Not Arrogance — A Quote by John Burke in “No Perfect People Allowed”

“I find our generation [i.e., the young people of the post-modern or emerging generation] incredibly open to spiritual truth and dialogue, but they have grown up in a world of competing beliefs. People just check out when they feel that Christians are arrogant and unwilling to consider the ‘truth’ claims of others as well. But they are very open to hearing expressions of truth and stories illustrating why God’s words are true. They long to experience something firm and solid that ‘feels’ true. They don’t resist truth; they resist arrogance…”

“Fundamentally, truth is not primarily propositional, but personal. Jesus said, ‘I am the truth…’ The best way to help emerging generations find truth is to introduce them to him.”

“Generally, emerging generations do not ask, ‘What is true?’ They are primarily asking, ‘Do I want to be like you?’ In other words, they see truth as relational. ‘If I want to be like you, then I want to consider what you believe. If I don’t see anything real or attractive in you or your friends as Christ-followers, I don’t care how true you think it is, I’m not interested.'”

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— John Burke, “No Perfect People Allowed”, pp 42-43

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