Listening and Understanding Opens Doors to Share — A Quote by John Burke in “No Perfect People Allowed”

“Even though Jesus had all the answers, he still respected and valued the opinions and free will of others. He often asked questions to get people to search rather than just telling the answer. He taught in parables to pique spiritual curiosity of those truly seeking. Though he proclaimed truth with authority, he did not force his truth on others. In love he offered what they needed and then was willing to let people disagree and walk away, even though it saddened him…”

“Because of all the baggage and lack of trust in our post-Christian world, people need to be engaged in dialogue… Few people are interested only in a monologue. Instead, if they listen to a message in church, they want to process it. They need to question it and wrestle with it. It needs to engage them where they live life.”

“Creating a culture of dialogue means becoming people who truly respect and value all people as worthy of the love and sacrifice Christ demonstrated. It means being willing to respect their thoughts and opinions, making sure they know we value them, even if we differ in belief. An atmosphere of dialogue requires us to take into account the perspective of the other person, seeking to understand her position as much as we want her to understand ours. It is other-centered communication. It creates a two-way street of conversation. This kind of environment respects the free will of individuals and helps people not be afraid of offending us in their exploration and questioning.”
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— John Burke, “No Perfect People Allowed”, pp 53-54

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