Unveiling Your Glory Involves Revealing Your Heart — A Quote from John and Stasi Eldredge in “Captivating”

“Unveiling our beauty [glory] really just means unveiling our… hearts. It’s scary, for sure. That is why it is our greatest expression of faith, because we are going to have to trust Jesus — really trust him. We’ll have to trust him that we have a beauty [glory], that what he has said of us is true. And we’ll have to trust him with how it goes when we offer it, because that is out of our control. We’ll have to trust him when it hurts, and we’ll have to trust him when we are finally seen and enjoyed. That’s why unveiling our beauty [glory] is how we live by faith.”

— John and Stasi Eldredge, Captivating, p 147 (insertion of “glory” for “beauty” is by Tim Thomas)
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