Jesus Showed that Silence in Busyness is Essential — A Quote by J. Brent Bill in “Holy Silence”

“Mark’s Gospel opens with a flurry of messianic activity… Then, tucked away in a verse just before the chapter closes, we read, ‘Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.'”

“Most of us miss that verse… Jesus knew that taking silence in the midst of busyness was a part of soulcare… If I want to model my life after Jesus’, then I have to take time to care for my soul…”

“I’ve wondered if Jesus felt signals that told Him it was time for silence. If He did, then maybe I can learn them from His example, too.”
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— J. Brent Bill, “Holy Silence: The Gift of Quaker Spirituality”, p 67

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