Christians Still Need Freedom from Strongholds — A Quote by Francis Frangipane in “The Three Battlegrounds”

“While we may find comfort in being Christians, being a Christian has not made us perfect. There are still many strongholds within us. Therefore, let us identify some of these spiritual fortresses. Rare is the Christian who is not limited by at least one of the following strongholds: unbelief, cold love, fear, pride, unforgiveness, lust, greed, or any combination of these, as well as the possibility of many others.”

— Francis Frangipane, “The Three Battlegrounds”
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One Reply to “Christians Still Need Freedom from Strongholds — A Quote by Francis Frangipane in “The Three Battlegrounds””

  1. Oh yes, I am on a roll today as God’s Holy Spirit is bearing witness to my holy spirit. I was an unbeliever for 46 years and so I had an entire bag of strongholds in my character. When i was saved I thought I would be “bibbity-bobbity-booed” into a royal princess. I now call this the Pollyanna Christian woman; it is also the Cinderella Syndrome. It has taken a long time for me to know that God’s women are not Pollyannas or Cinderellas. God’s women are ladies of royal substance. We are of a gentle meek and gentle spirit. We are bold to pray, confident to act in obedience, quick to forgive in love, and of sound mind to discern good from evil. This only comes through constantly staying connected to the Vine (Jesus Christ the Son of God) Who receives His direction from the Vinedresser (Father) as God the Holy Spirit Who dwells within us illuminated truth into our minds, makes our heart consciences sensitive and responsive to God’s holy touch, and moves our soul to rest in the joy and peace of God’s presence. .

    As for my spiritual condition as a new believer, well…let’s be blunt and bottom line about this! Little did I know how sick I was even though by the blood of Jesus Christ I was made whole by saving grace. The Father looked at me and saw purity and beauty; yet when I looked in the mirror all I could see was darkness and ugliness. My strongholds (unknown to me at the time) were multiple. They included: lust, pride, fear of man, fear of lack, doubt, dependency on people, high expectations of men, anger towards women who didn’t like me for whatever reason, people pleasing, being the nice girl at the expense of my own soul, wanting to control others so I would be ok and feel loved, sexual immorality, adultery, greed, gossip, a wicked demanding tongue, high maintenance because of insecurity, blame and resentment, bitterness towards those who intentionally and even unintentionally abused me and were insensitive to me, trying to be independent, self pity, self absorption, self centeredness, anger towards men I trusted to protect and provide for me, unforgiveness, unbelief. I am sure there is more. And yes although i have been delivered from sexual immorality and adultery which had filled me with shame and condemnation, I am not yet finished being altogether purified of these other unrighteous strongholds. Oh by the abundant saving grace of God I am not under their authority anymore, yet I am still being pruned. I thank God that He loves me enough not to leave me where I was and that He is longsuffering enough to be faithful to grow me up step by step, day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment.

    I am the woman at the well. I am the women who ran to Jesus who was dining at the house of the Pharissee and wept on his feet, drying her tears of sorrow and gratitude with her hair. I am an outcast of the world;whom God chose to redeem. Chains have been falling rapidly lately; Strongholds have been loosed. I will praise Him always. i will thank Him everyday. I will worship Him in spirit and in truth. He is I AM. I am His beauty and He is the Champion of my Heart conscience and the lover of my soul.

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