Beauty Comes From Being Who You Are, Not Who You Are Not — A Quote from John and Stasi Eldredge in “Captivating”

“A woman in her glory, a woman of beauty, is a woman who is not striving to become beautiful or worthy or enough. She knows in her quiet center where God dwells that He finds her beautiful, has deemed her worthy and in him, she is enough. In fact, the only thing getting in the …

Loneliness and Emptiness are Meant to Steer Us to God — A Quote from John and Stasi Eldredge in “Captivating”

“Why did God curse Eve with loneliness and heartache, an emptiness that nothing would be able to fill? Wasn’t her life going to be hard enough out there in the world, banished from the Garden that was her true home, her only home, never able to return? It seems unkind. Cruel, even.” “He did it …

We are Made for Intimacy with God — A Quote from John and Stasi Eldredge in “Captivating”

“We are made for intimacy with God, not just knowledge about him. There comes a time in the life of every believer when propositional truth is no longer enough. It will always remain central, the foundation for our faith. And sometimes it is all we have, and we can run far and long on it. …

Eve Was Not Created as a Helper but a Lifesaver — A Quote from John and Stasi Eldredge in “Captivating”

“When God created Eve, he calls her an ezer kenegdo… Robert Alter… says that this phrase is ‘notoriously difficult to translate.’ The various attempts we have in English are ‘helper’ or ‘companion’ or the notorious ‘help meet’…” “The word ezer is used only twenty other places in the entire Old Testament. And in every other …

Unveiling Your Glory Means Vulnerably Loving — A Quote from John and Stasi Eldredge in “Captivating”

“Unveiling beauty [glory] is our greatest expression of love, because it is what the world most needs from us. When we choose not to hide, when we choose to offer our hearts, we are choosing to love. Jesus offers, he invites, he is present. That is how he loves. That is how we love — …

Unveiling Your Glory Expresses Your Hope — A Quote from John and Stasi Eldredge in “Captivating”

“Unveiling our beauty [glory] is our greatest expression of hope. We hope it will matter, that our beauty [glory] really does make a difference. We hope there is a greater and higher Beauty [Glory], hope we are reflecting that Beauty [Glory], and hope it will triumph. Our hope is that all is well because of …

Unveiling Your Glory Involves Revealing Your Heart — A Quote from John and Stasi Eldredge in “Captivating”

“Unveiling our beauty [glory] really just means unveiling our… hearts. It’s scary, for sure. That is why it is our greatest expression of faith, because we are going to have to trust Jesus — really trust him. We’ll have to trust him that we have a beauty [glory], that what he has said of us …

God Heals Hearts Through His Deep Love — A Quote from John and Stasi Eldredge in “Captivating”

“God… wants to heal us through his love… He wants us to experience verses like, ‘Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her’ (Hosea 2:14). And ‘You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride.’ (Song of Songs 4:9) Our hearts are desperate …

Careful with Your Heart When Praying for Healing — A Quote from John Eldredge in “Walking with God”

“You have to be so careful with your heart and your faith when it comes to healing prayer. It’s so important to know what God is up to… Of course I want to hear Jesus say, ‘Yes, I will heal him.’ I wanted to hear that so badly. Then I would have gone after healing …

You Can’t Hear God Answer Until You Can Hear a “No” — A Quote from John Eldredge in “Walking with God”

“In learning to hear the voice of God, one thing is certain — if you cannot hear a ‘no’, you will have a hard time hearing God at all or believing that what you think you’ve heard is in fact from God. This is crucial — hearing God requires surrender, giving all things over into …

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